#CS055 Livelihood

July 13, 2020

Helping Plan

With a family of five young children to support in a house that is only partly built, this couple struggles to provide a wheelchair for their 17 year old daughter who is differently abled due to contracting jaundice as an infant.
The father who is the sole breadwinner is a labourer who hasn’t been able to earn a consistent income from working in the paddy fields due to the recent weather conditions while the mother applied to work abroad but was unable to, due to their daughter’s condition. The young girl is not allowed outside as she is not able to think for herself, and is completely dependent on others for all her needs.
We at Carestation visited them as soon as we were made aware of their dire circumstances. We bought them three goats so they could set up a goat farm and earn a proper income by selling the goats’ milk. We also provided a wheelchair for the physically challenged daughter.