The gift of a Trishaw
February 8, 2019
Helping Plan
We came across a brother who needed a little help to stand on his feet from Kalugamuwa, a small village in Gelioya.
Living in a home under his brother-in-law’s name, 37 year old brother had a difficult time providing for his family. Being the sole breadwinner responsible for a wife, a 2 year old daughter and a sick mother in law, he couldn’t do much with his meager income.
He used to drive a trishaw on rent to earn a living. Unfortunately, the income after paying daily rental wasn’t enough to cover for his basic family expenses and his mother-in-law’s medical expenses. His house also needed further construction and repairs.
Our field visit reviews showed that this brother was renowned for his helpful nature towards the villagers and is more than capable of working and earning a better living.
Sometimes, taking a step forward can be difficult. There may come a time when we could all do with a little boost, a little motivation and a little guidance.
So we at carestation with the help of generous donors gifted this brother a Trishaw.
We are glad to report that since that day, he has put the trishaw into effective use. With the income he now earns, he has renovated his house. He is also capable of providing for his family’s basic needs and and his mother in law’s medical expenses.
A big thank you to everyone who helped lend a hand to brother in need. We all could do with a little boost/motivation in life sometimes. Let us do our best to give to others so that one day God Almighty will give to us.