
Zakat is the fourth pillar of Islam, and focuses on providing charity to specific groups of people who require it.
We at CareStation help ease your duty of Zakat, by carrying out projects which you can donate to, for Zakat-eligible individuals and causes.

Whether you would like to pay Zakat, Sadaqah, Fidya or Kafarah – your Ramadan donations will help us provide those we serve with an opportunity to break the cycle
of poverty and become self sufficient.

All families are personally visited and verified by our field visit team and then checked wether they fall onto the
eight categories of people (asnaf) who qualify to benefit from zakat funds. Thereafter we obtain a zakath
eligible letter from their area masjidh.
Each project has a member assigned to follow up on the beneficiaries to guide them and execute the project in the best possible way.

All our services and projects are ongoing and carried out in 22 districts throughout the year, therefore you can contact us and contribute towards zakat eligible projects and the other services we provide any time of the year.

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