October 1, 2017

Helping Plan

To live without a roof over ones head,to have to beg on the streets for sustenance,is no ones dream for the future. We are helping homeless families get a home, a job and a sense of hope to climb out of poverty.
With your help we moved this lady begging on the streets with her one month old infant into a permanent house and connected them with resources they need to thrive. putting a roof on their heads was just the first step. her child was temporarily placed in a Care home until we secured her a stable job. We paid the rent for 3 months. And found her a job at the municipal Council. Her child was handed back to her, she drops her child at a drop in day Centre which provides free meals and care while she went to work. She also pays the monthly rent with her income.
Your continuous support made a difference. Thank you for being a part of this journey.