Help Elderly Mothers in Need.
July 5, 2019

Helping Plan
Despite having family, there are times when one feels alone and helpless. The loneliness is greater and more painful when people reach old age. 2 sisters, both elderly widows aged 74 and 65 respectively find themselves very much alone in a rented house in Hunupitiya, without financial support from their grown children, trying to survive by making an income through menial jobs.
The elder sister has 4 sons, all working as labourers. They are married and settled in various cities around Sri Lanka. Sadly, they are estranged from their mother and have no contact with her. Despite her old age, she is forced to do odd jobs and runs errands in order to support herself and manages to contribute LKR 2000 towards the rent. At the age of 74, she is not in a condition to do manual labour anymore.
The younger sister also has children, 2 boys and 2 girls. Her sons are also working as labourers in a distant part of the country. Although they are on good terms with their mother, often visiting and calling her on the phone, they are unable to help her financially due to problems of their own. She manages to earn a living as a maid in Enderamulla, Watalle and surrounding areas. She contributes LKR 3000 towards the rent.
The house they live in is quite shabby, with zinc sheeting that leaks taking the place of a roof. The toilet and shower are in an outhouse about 25 metres away. The two sisters are grateful for this shelter despite its condition and have accepted their fate with a heavy heart. They wish their children were more supportive but they try not to complain. These mothers love their children. Despite the neglect they face, they do not curse or hate their children.
The two sisters pay a monthly rent of LKR 5000. Prior to the Easter Attacks, the landlord had not asked for an advance. But now, due to security reasons he is demanding a deposit of LKR 60,000 which they cannot raise on their meager incomes.
One day, we could reach the age when we may need to depend on people in ways that we never would have imagined. Senility is a scary word and may God protect us from the challenges of old age, one of them being losing the support and love of grown children. Let us keep that in mind and try to make life easier for these elderly widowed mothers.